Delighting ourselves in the Lord and the calling He has given us.

Meet Kira

Kira is a homeschool mom to four young boys, wife to James, a Bible teacher at her church, writer, podcaster and seminary student. But more than anything else, she’s a Christian who is loved by her Savior. And that changes everything.

The Delighted Motherhood Podcast is devoted to applying biblical principles to everyday motherhood.

Latest Podcasts

Why did God reveal Himself to us through an unfolding story?

Why did the Inklings (the writing group of Tolkien and Lewis) consider a robust imagination as a key defense against the utilitarianism and secularism?

An excellent story has a way to capture our hearts and our affections is a way few other things can.

Reading excellent books, both to our kids and alone by ourselves, has the power to form and shape us in profound ways.

Featured Writing

  • TGC: Motherhood Isn't Martyrdom

    Of course, motherhood is hard and, in some cases, deeply painful. However, many of our taglines overemphasize the pain of motherhood to the exclusion of the delight.

    If we’re not careful, we can begin to sound like we’re equating motherhood with martyrdom. But the Bible speaks of motherhood as a gift, a crown, and a joy.

  • Baptist Press: Complementarianism Demands More Investment in Women, Not Less

    Since the early church, women have been a powerful force. Every person to walk the earth since Adam and Eve has had a mother. And women tend to have a profound impact on the spiritual formation of children. (Consider Timothy’s grandmother Lois or Augustine’s mother Monica.)

  • Risen Motherhood: The Praying Mom: Acknowledging We’re Not in Control

    If Jesus Christ himself—fully God and fully man—prioritized prayer in all different contexts and circumstances during his time on earth, how much more important is it for us, finite and sinful creatures?

    Sometimes I feel like I hardly have time to ask my husband about his workday, but God has time for me and every heart that seeks him on the planet.