When hard is good: the unexpected gift of discomfort with Abbie Halberstadt


For many of us, motherhood is anything but easy. From blowouts, to tantrums, learning difficulties, health problems, constant noise, conflict inside and outside our homes --the possibilities for us to feel like we are in an impossible season are endless. Sometimes this feeling of “hard” can feel completely overwhelming.

And the truth is that some of the demands of modern parenting that feel really hard are signs that something actually is wrong.  When things are hard and overwhelming it is a good idea to wisely evaluate what is causing the "hard."

But is hard always a negative thing? Or could challenging circumstances actually be a gift in disguise? In what ways has worldly thinking colored the way Christians talk about the “hard” aspects of parenting?

Listen in to a helpful conversation with Abbie Halberstadt, Bible believing mom to ten and author of M is for Mama and Hard is Not the Same Thing as Bad about evaluating hard situations and allowing the Lord to refresh our mindset.


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